Teaching-Learning Center Directors
Revised April 9, 2019
Boston College
Kathy Duggan
Director, Connors Family Learning Center
O’Neill Library 200
140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
John Rakestraw, Executive Director, Center for Teaching Excellence
O’neill Library 255C. 617-552-1814
Clemson University
Linda B. Nilson
Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation
Duke University
Lynne O’Brien
Director, Center for Instructional Technology
Box 90193, Durham, NC 27708
Florida State University
Sara Hamon
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Lisa Liseno
Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, Direct or the Program for Instructional Excellence
Suite 4001E, 127 Honors Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Georgia Institute of Technology
Caroline Noyes
Interim Director
Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning
266 4th Street NW. Clough Commons, Suite 457
Atlanta. GA 30332
Gale Rhodes
Vice Provost & Executive Director, Delphi Center, Ekstrom Library,
Louisville, KY 40292
University of Miami
Bill Vilberg
Associate Director Instructional Advancement Center
P.O. Box 248206 / 249 Merrick Building
Coral Gables, FL 33124
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Eric Muller
Dan K. Moore Distinguished Professor in Jurisprudence and Ethics at the UNC School of Law AND Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence
Campus Box 3470, 316 Wilson Library
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
North Carolina State University
Betsy Brown
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Holladay Hall 207, Box 7526
Raleigh, NC 27695
Betsy_brown@ncsu.edu 919-513-7741
University of Notre Dame
Kevin Barry
Director, Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning
353 E.J. DeBartolo Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
University of Pittsburgh
Cynthia Golden
Director, Center for Instructional Development and Distance Education (CIDDE)
Alum 826
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Syracuse University
University of Virginia
Marva Barnett
Director, Teaching Resource Center and Professor of French
Virginia Tech University
Kim Filer
Assistant Provost and Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
2111 Hillcrest Hall (0453), 385 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Wake Forest University
Betsy Barre
Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Center
307 Reynolda Hall, PO Box 7421
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
- Other Groups and Committees
- International Officers
- Study Abroad Directors
- Teaching-Learning Center Directors and Representatives
- Chief Information (Tech) Officers
- Chief Purchasing/Procurement Officers
- Undergraduate Research Conference Coordinators
- Student Affairs Vice Presidents
- Student Leadership Conference Coordinators
ACC Academic Consortium Contact
David G. Brown